
Teeth Whitening

Dental Bleaching in Las Vegas, NV

Teeth Whitening in Las Vegas, NV - Prime Care Dental Have you ever used teeth whitening products from the grocery store and felt let down by the results? Tooth stains can be stubborn, particularly those caused by tea, red wine, coffee, and tobacco. While darkened and yellowed teeth can make you appear older than your actual age, we have the answer at Prime Care Dental.

Dr. Choi uses the Zoom Whitening system by Philips, which provides professional-grade results. In fact, Zoom can lighten your teeth up to eight shades. This in-office treatment is completely comfortable and typically takes less than an hour.

We also have a take-home whitening option with a tray that is professionally personalized to your unique mouth. This option allows you to whiten conveniently in the privacy of your home.

If you’d like a brighter, more brilliant smile, please call us at (702) 369-8730 right away to discuss your options.